Keeping Time

Keeping Time

What are the benefits of having a regular, consistent start time for beginning school each day? Teaching your kids to avoid procrastination. Having to be ready for school at a certain time will encourage your kids to get themselves ready in the morning without...
Last Minute Educational Gifts for Christmas

Last Minute Educational Gifts for Christmas

When you ask my kids what they’ve added to their Christmas wish list, it always includes a low-budget crafty kit they saw in the stores, a Lego set or two, a gift certificate to their favorite store and whatever tiny toy is the hot item for the year. These are all fun...
United Digital Learning: An Online Public School Alternative

United Digital Learning: An Online Public School Alternative

As we help families navigate the jungle of online learning options, these questions comes up fairly often – “How are you different from an online public school?” If you find yourself wondering the same thing, hopefully the following will provide some clarity. United...
How To Be Sure You Are Teaching What They Need

How To Be Sure You Are Teaching What They Need

When I first started homeschooling back in 2004 the first question on my mind was: “What am I supposed to teach her?”  I had phrases like “zone of proximal development” from Vigotsky and Piaget’s ideas floating through my mind. I wanted to be sure I challenged...
Balancing Homeschool and Public School

Balancing Homeschool and Public School

An Interview with a Homeschool/Public School Mom Sometimes it’s helpful to hear thoughts from someone in position other than ours, to learn a little what life is like for someone else. I have a friend that is gracefully balancing both the homeschool and public school...
Streamlining the Homeschool Routine

Streamlining the Homeschool Routine

With the arrival of our son, our homeschool room became a nursery and my totes, shelves, storage bins and huge table all had to condense down to a dining room cabinet that measures approximately 4 1/2 feet tall, 3 feet wide and 2 feet deep. My love of having all...