Grade 8 - English

Building Vocabulary 8 (Credit: 0.25)

Building Vocabulary VIII reviews how to use a dictionary, the origin of words, reviews the parts of speech, analogies, homonyms, homographs, strategies for critical recognition of small words in larger words, foreign terms, reviews sounds made by /au/ and /aw/, initial and final consonants, and introduces words that use silent letters.

Language Usage 8 (Credit: 0.25)

Language Usage VIII reviews all noun types, pronouns, verbs, degrees of comparison for adjectives and adverbs, participial phrases, restrictive and non-restrictive clauses, diagramming, punctuation, colons, semicolons, quotations, letter writing, shifts in tense, point of view, and problem words.

Reading 8 (Credit: 0.25)

Reading VIII focuses on consonants, vowels, verbs, word analysis skills including Greek and Latin words, compound words, antonyms, homonyms, core subject words, comprehension skills including recognizing outcomes and conclusions, cause and effect, predicting outcomes, common expressions, biography and autobiography, poetry, literary devices, and figurative language. Selected authors include Tolstoy, Longfellow, Emerson, Henry, Franklin, Thoreau, Irving, Bierce, Bradstreet, Henry, Shakespeare, and Lawrence.

Writing 8 (Credit: 0.25)

Writing VIII reviews the writing process from brainstorming to publishing, specialized writing assignments including journal writing, writing paragraphs, writing using formal and informal language, letter writing, analogies, summaries, and book reports. This course also provides hints on how to use a library to access information.

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