Grade 6 - English

Building Vocabulary 6 (Credit: 0.25)

Building Vocabulary VI covers how to use a thesaurus, multiple meanings of words, strategies for solving types of word relationships, improving vocabulary through synonyms and antonyms, using context, prefixes, suffixes, and roots, foreign terms, short vowel sounds, diphthongs, initial consonants, and the /oo/ sound.

Language Usage 6 (Credit: 0.25)

Language Usage VI covers concrete, abstract, and compound nouns, subject and object pronouns, compound direct objects, verb phrases, principal verb parts, positive and negative comparisons, sentence mechanics, diagramming, and fragments.

Reading 6 (Credit: 0.25)

Reading VI instructs students in pronunciation skills and symbols, review of consonants, vowels, verbs, word analysis skills, sight words, core subject words, words with multiple meanings, sequencing, alphabetization, comprehension skills including conflict and climax, fiction, nonfiction, fables, poetry, figurative language including alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, irony, personification, flashback, and foreshadowing. Selected authors include Burnett, Longfellow, Irving, Defoe, Crane, Burns, and Poe.

Writing 6 (Credit: 0.25)

Writing VI covers writing sentences and paragraphs, narrative, expository, descriptive, and persuasive paragraphs, analogies, newspaper stories, book reports, summarizing, writing story endings, using formal and informal language, and sketches.

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