Grade 13 - Electives

Advanced Drawing (Credit: 0.50)

In Advanced Drawing, students will be reviewing basic drawing skills and the elements and principles of design, while exploring deeper how they are used in art. Students will also explore, in-depth, several different types of media and artistic styles in order to define their personal aesthetic and design their own compositions. In each section, students will observe and analyze various artworks to expand their knowledge of art history and develop their personal aesthetic. All projects in this course will be an original composition by the student. After instruction and research, students will be given prompts and guidelines on how to create each project, but the final outcome will be unique to each person. At the end of the last four modules, students will participate in either a self- or peer-critique. This is to help students learn to analyze their work and grow as an artist from the input of others. At the end of the course, students will compile and organize their artwork into a digital portfolio and write an artist statement. This can be used as a record of personal accomplishment or as an application to a secondary art program or job.

Adventures in Roblox Studio (Credit: 1.00)

Each individual lesson is made up of multiple lesson pages to teach a coding concept with text and visuals, provide in lesson practice and a step by step activity for student to add newly learned code to their existing game file. Grading will be based on quizzes, project uploads, and teacher requirements

Anatomy and Physiology A (Credit: 0.50)

The aim of this course is to expand upon what was learned in your Biology class, while emphasizing the application of this material to human structures and functions. This course begins the study of human beings at the microscopic level and works its way up to an in-depth study of select organ systems. Special emphasis will be placed upon applying and demonstrating the information learned in this course through, not only tests and quizzes, but through special projects and collaboration as well.

Anatomy and Physiology B (Credit: 0.50)

Part B is designed to give the student an understanding of how structure and function are related in the human body. The student will study the human body from the cellular level to the organ system level. All of the major body systems will be studied in great detail. Additionally, biochemistry, cell biology, histology, biotechnology, bioethics, and pathology will also be studied. This course is highly recommended for students seeking a career in science or a health-related profession.

Anthropology (Credit: 0.50)

This course examines family and kinship, religion, economics, politics, survival of indigenous groups, and Western influences from an anthropological perspective to gain appreciation for cultural and ethnic diversity. Students gain an understanding of the differences and similarities, both biological and cultural, in human populations and recognize the characteristics that define their own culture while gaining an appreciation for the culture of others.

Art Explorations (Credit: 0.50)

Introducing students to diverse areas in the arts can broaden their perspective on the arts in general. Arts Explorations encourages students to experience each of the modern arts disciplines including Visual Arts, Theatre, Music, Media Arts and Dance. Students will also be able to identify areas of special interest where they would like continued study and the ways that the arts can be a part of their career paths.

Basic Drawing (Credit: 0.50)

In Basic Drawing, students will experiment with several different art materials and tools to see what each tool can do best. Students will explore ordinary things around them to become more observant of the structures and meanings of things which can be seen in your their home and community. Your work will be your own study of the forms, textures, movements, and patterns of the things that you see every day. Each project and each lesson is based on the one before it; so always do the lessons in the order they are given. Be sure to follow the directions exactly regarding which materials, sizes, and subject matter to use for each project. Each lesson will be a study of a new way of drawing. The examples given will show only the method and materials to be used, never the same subject or size as the project assigned. The examples are never to be copied. An example will only show one way of using the technique described. By becoming more observant, by experimenting with new materials, and by exploring a variety of methods, students will continue to grow in artistic skill and enjoyment. Beyond fundamental skills are various levels of creativity. Each lesson provides room for expressing the technical skill learned in a unique, creative way. Materials Needed: 1 drawing pencil, 2B 1 round hair brush #10 1 bottle India Ink, black 1 Pilot Varsity Pen, self-contained black ink 2 conté crayons: white, black 1 Art gum eraser 1 white, wax Crayola crayon 40 sheets white drawing paper, 9×12 5 sheets construction paper, 9×12, black 15 sheets grey construction paper, 9×12 14 large envelopes, 10 x 13 2 sheets white watercolor paper (rough, heavy, stiff) 2 sheets rice paper 9 1/2 x12 (soft, translucent) 25 sheets newsprint, 9×12 1 bottle white glue (obtain locally)

Beginning Painting (Credit: 0.50)

This course introduces students to classical and contemporary painting, techniques and concepts, with emphasis on the understanding of its formal language and the fundamentals of artistic expression. Painting from still life, landscape, and life models from observation will be geared towards realism; at the same time, various other painting styles could be explored. Color theory, linear perspective, compositional structure, figure/ground relationships, visual perception, spatial concepts, and critical thinking skills will all be emphasized. Students will study and research major painting styles and movements in historical context. The hope is that students will use this global approach to develop a “critical eye” in evaluation of contemporary painting. Acrylic and watercolors are the mediums used in this class. The main emphasis of this course is to encourage and nourish individuality and creativity. Materials Needed: Chromacryl tube of acrylic paints Round brush Flat brush Watercolor paints (includes brush) Set of markers Painting paper (The pad of paper may be labeled watercolor paper. Please use for all paintings, including acrylic.) Newsprint paper (This paper is for sketches and testing paints. Do not use for painting projects.) 1–4b pencil 7 project cardstock pages

Child Development (Credit: 0.50)

The study of children is an important topic for everyone to learn. All students are influenced by their childhood and upbringing; those experiences have made them who they are. When students learn to understand children, communication with them is more efficient. This also has the potential for students to learn more about themselves in the process. During this course, students will learn about the various stages of child development and the ways children grow and change. More importantly, students will learn how to understand children and their various needs. Maybe some students will want to work with children in the future as a result. They will discover that teachers are not the only people who work with kids; other possible career choices are a pediatrician, a counselor, or even a social worker just to name a few. Whatever students have set for their career goals, learning about children will get them one step closer to that chosen career path.

Child Development (Credit: 0.50)

This course is designed to help prepare students for their responsibilities as parents and caregivers of children. Topics include prenatal care, growth and development through age six, teen pregnancy, maternal health, parenting skills, and child guidance.

Civics (Credit: 0.50)

In this course students will understand the significance of government, law, and politics. They will examine the United States foundational documents and how they shaped the Unites States government. Students will examine the purposes and functions of federal, state and local government, the justice system, political systems the environment, and the economy. Learners will evaluate their role and civic responsibility to their families, communities, and country including voting and being a productive member of society. Students will get to know leaders and influential people that have championed many causes including civil rights and the environment. Learners will also learn proper ways to interact in society including interpersonal skills and respecting differences in others including disabilities. Learners will follow a step-by-step approach for successfully completing each lesson, which includes textbook reading, interactive activities, supplemental reading, lecture, video clips, and Power Point presentations to enhance and reinforce learning. Learners receive frequent feedback from teacher and peers through discussions. By the end of the course students will have a deep understanding of their civic responsibilities as well as the difference one individual can make in society.

Consumer Math A - Semester 1 (Credit: 0.50)

This course focuses on the mathematics involved in making wise consumer decisions. Students explore the many ways in which mathematics affects their daily lives. The first semester will cover paychecks and wages, taxes, insurance, budgets, bank accounts, credit cards, interest calculations, and comparison-shopping. Second semester topics include vehicle and home purchasing, investing, and business and employee management. Solve basic arithmetic problems that require addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, fractions and decimals. Estimate and round numbers. Calculate your earned income along with deductions and fringe benefits. Compute percentages, ratios, and proportions. Keep accurate banking and checking account records. Formulate a personal budget which includes expenses (utilities, insurance, taxes) incurred with home ownership. Identify the cost of buying on credit. Point out the importance of wise consumer buying, saving and investing.

Consumer Math B - Semester 2 (Credit: 0.50)

This course focuses on the mathematics involved in making wise consumer decisions. Students explore the many ways in which mathematics affects their daily lives. The first semester will cover paychecks and wages, taxes, insurance, budgets, bank accounts, credit cards, interest calculations, and comparison-shopping. Second semester topics include vehicle and home purchasing, investing, and business and employee management. Use customary and metric units of length, volume, and weight to estimate measures and to convert from one system to another. Construct and read bar, line, circle, and pictographs as well as interpret information on a map. Compute the cost of remodeling a room such as area, number and cost of tile, amount and cost of carpeting, and amount and cost of painting. Compute net pay, deductions, federal and state income taxes. Compute premiums for life insurance and health insurance and understand Social Security benefits. Compute sticker price, financing, insurance, depreciation, and maintenance for an automobile. Read and interpret bus and airline schedules. Determine the cost of a trip including gasoline, meals, and hotels and use a mileage chart to calculate travel distances. Use unit prices, calorie charts, and cost of preparing a meal when grocery shopping. Compute the retail price of an item as well as the cost of renting an item. Explore methods of dividing profits/losses in a business partnership. Compute profit and loss on a stock transaction.

Contemporary Novels (Credit: 0.50)

For this course, students will read a set of novels and novellas that were written during the twentieth century and reflect themes common to contemporary literature, such as the ability of the human spirit to rise above seemingly-impossible circumstances. Through creative projects and writing assignments, students will identify and analyze each novel’s themes and also compare and contrast the novels’ treatment of common themes. Please note that, like most contemporary literature, the novels assigned for this course contain realistic situations and language. In addition to the novels listed, each student will read another contemporary novel of his or her choosing that the instructor must approve. MLA (Modern Language Association) documentation is required on all papers submitted.


Picture Bride
By Yoshiko Uchida

By Elie Weisel

To Kill a Mockingbird
By Harper Lee

Fallen Angels
By Walter Dean Myers

The Old Man and The Sea
By Ernest Hemingway

Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
By Stephen King

Creative Writing A (Credit: 0.50)

Semester A – At the beginning of the semester, students consider the importance of word play exercises in improving their facility with language while building a compelling and creative writing style. Focusing on word nuances and precision, later lessons guide students to write in a variety of short modes—including poetry, song lyrics, prose poetry, short short stories, and creative nonfiction. There are several opportunities for peer review in this semester, during which students learn best practices for participating in writing workshops, and then revise their work using feedback from their peers.

Creative Writing B (Credit: 0.50)

Semester B – This semester focuses on longer works of fiction: short stories, plays, and novels. Students learn basic techniques of plot and character development along with strategies for creating suspense and building a theme, and they have opportunities to write in several different genres. Lessons cover a few special topics as well, including graphic novels, animation, comedy, and improvisation. Students apply what they have learned about writing workshops and revising to the longer pieces of writing they create for this semester.

Digital Media (Credit: 0.50)

Digital Media is a project-based survey of different forms of digital media, such as digital audio, imaging and illustration, movie editing, and animation. It’s oriented toward teaching broad, flexible tools and concepts that are not tied to any one platform or program. Each module of the digital media online course ends with a culminating task (like a podcast or short film), and students will be able to draft and develop their projects as they build their skills over each lesson.

Life Management Skills (Credit: 0.50)

The course concentrates on being healthy and focuses on physical development, mental and emotional stress, relationships, substance awareness, social disease awareness, and personal safety. The purpose of this course is to develop and enhance critical life management skills necessary to make sound decisions and take positive actions for healthy and effective living.

Marine Science (Credit: 0.50)

About 70% of the Earth is covered by water. Even today, much of the world’s oceans remain unexplored. Marine scientists make exciting new discoveries about marine life every day. In this course, students will discover the vast network of life that exists beneath the ocean’s surface and study the impact that humans have on the oceans.

Minecraft for Kids Command Blocks Scripting (Credit: 0.50)

Each individual lesson is made up of multiple lesson pages to teach a coding concept with text and visuals, provide in lesson practice and a step by step activity for student to add newly learned code to their existing game file. Grading will be based on quizzes, project uploads, and teacher requirements.

Paleontology (Credit: 0.50)

From Godzilla to Jurassic Park, dinosaurs continue to captivate us. In this course, students will learn about the fascinating creatures both large and small that roamed the earth before modern man. Watch interesting videos from experts at The Royal Tyrrell Museum, a leading paleontology research facility, and discover how the field of paleontology continues to provide amazing insight into early life on earth.

Personal Fitness (Credit: 0.50)

In this course, students are introduced to exercise and physical fitness and the general recommendations for physical activity, while examining the benefits of exercise, lifestyle choices that can help prevent disease, and tips for kick-starting a healthier lifestyle. Students will explore each type of fitness, include the benefits, and the federal guidelines for exercise in detail. Students will also learn about bones and joints and the functions of the skeleton, and the different types of movements that occur at various joints. Students will learn about the different types of muscle in their bodies, and how they are structured, with particular attention to the different types of muscle fibers. Students will explore the functions that muscles perform, how they work, and their interaction with the central nervous system and special considerations for safe and effective exercise. Students will learn how the cardio and respiratory systems work and interact with each other and about the different blood vessels that make up the circulatory (vascular) system. Students will learn about the body’s energy systems and how eating and drinking relates to exercise. Finally, students will learn about the psychology of exercising.

Psychology (Credit: 0.50)

The purpose of this course is to investigate why human beings think and act the way they do. This is an introductory course and will broadly cover several areas. Students will be expected to expand and go further into the topics. Theories and current research will be presented for the student to critically evaluate and understand. Each unit will present the terminology, theories and research that are critical to the understanding of the topic. Assignments and assessments will be included as well as tutorials and interactive drills.

Psychology A (Credit: 0.50)

In Psychology A the student begins with a brief history of psychologists and their experimental methods. Next they examine personality theories. Then human development from the infant stage through adult stage is explored. Finally, the last part of the course is about consciousness: sleep, dreams, and conscious-altering substances. Students are encouraged to increase their own self-awareness as they move through the course.

Psychology B (Credit: 0.50)

Students continue to learn about psychology. Students examine the nature of intelligence in humans and animals, including the origin of intelligence and how to measure it. They learn about learning with an emphasis on classical and operant conditioning. Students also investigate social psychology and psychological disorders. They demonstrate their understanding by completing projects in which they play roles like teacher, parent, and psychologist.

Renewable Energy (Credit: 0.50)

The earth’s population is growing rapidly, and we need to find new, innovative ways to ensure that we are able to provide for our global energy needs. Students will look at the reasons why sustainability is important, take a balanced and evidence-based look at climate change, and learn new ways that we can harness renewable resources.

Research (Credit: 0.50)

The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop fundamental knowledge of the steps in the research process. This multidisciplinary course offers students the ability to choose among research topics as they relate to various fields such as science, history, and literature. The course promotes research skills and students gain the ability to evaluate research claims made in the media, literature and other sources.

Sociology (Credit: 0.50)

Sociology examines the basics of sociology, which is the study of society including individuals, human groups, and organizations. The course is divided into four main areas: the sociological perspective, social structures, inequality in society, and social institutions and change. Students will examine controversies around social change, inequality, gender, and race. The course revolves around an overview of the field with projects that offer the student a chance to explore from a sociologist’s perspective.

Sociology A - Semester 1 (Credit: 0.50)

Sociology is much more than conducting surveys or analyzing census data. Sociology is all about studying people and the groups they are part of. Sociology examines social trends and cultural changes. It involves asking questions and solving problems. Questions such as, what causes social inequalities, poverty, racism, or sexism. In Sociology A the student will be introduced to the origins, research methods, and the work of sociologists. Sociology is sometimes thought to be people conducting surveys or interviewing various members of a neighborhood to learn more about their lives. Some think it is simply people analyzing census data. These things are important, but the study of sociology includes much more. Sociology is all about studying people and the groups they are a part of, as well as studying social trends and cultural changes. Studying sociology also means looking at why things are the way they are, and the relationship between humans and the world around them. Sociology involves asking questions and solving problems. Sociologists are mainly interested in the scientific study of social inequalities-like poverty, delinquency, racism, and sexism-and their implications for public policy.

Sociology B - Semester 1 (Credit: 0.50)

Everyone belongs to one or more groups, and the groups we belong to influence the way we think, feel, and act. The study of sociology gives us tools to define and understand social groups. With those tools, the student will learn how social groups affect our beliefs and actions, and how their members interact with each other. The emphasis in Sociology B is on learning about social institutions and social change with an emphasis on understanding groups in contemporary American society. Sociologists study topics as diverse as crime, class systems, race and gender relations, education, religion, and sports, just to name a few. Studying sociology will allow the student to relate their personal events to events in society. By doing this, the student will learn how social forces affect them every day.

Space Exploration (Credit: 0.50)

In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human to go to space. In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to step on the moon. This comprehensive course will examine the history and future of space travel. Find out how we have put people in space in the past, and what it will take for us to reach new frontiers, including Mars and beyond.

Study Skills and Strategies (Credit: 0.50)

The Study Skills and Strategies course equips students with skills and understandings critical to effective learning. Using a unique approach to the traditional topic of study skills, this course weaves understanding regarding the role of the brain in learning into the instruction of discrete learning skills and strategies. Moving beyond a list of good tips and ideas, the Study Skills and Strategies course will challenge students to develop intentional approaches to learning. They will be required to make connections between the strategies and skills they learn in this course and the implementation of those strategies and skills in their other coursework. Upon completion of the course, students will have learned a variety of specific learning skills and strategies, gained greater understanding of their own learning preferences, and become prepared to develop and implement specific learning and study plans for any academic course or other learning needs.

The World of STEAM (Credit: 0.50)

Each aspect of the arts relies on science and technology. In The World of STEAM, students will learn why the eye sees color, how a dancer uses gravity and what makes a sound wave travel. The arts, science and technology are intertwined, now more than ever. Understanding the science behind the art will elevate students to a new level of creativity.

Theater Studies (Credit: 0.50)

Have you ever wondered how a play goes from the playwright’s mind all the way into a multi- million dollar Broadway production? In this course, you’ll learn the whole process! This course provides a thorough introduction to the theater by providing an overview of major topics in theater studies, with a blend of theoretical and practical lessons. In the first half of this course you will learn about the definitions of theater, theater history, and contemporary theatrical genres.! ! The second of half of the course will guide you through all of the elements of putting on a professional theatrical production. You will learn about the entire production process, from playwriting through opening night, including elements of technical theater, the rehearsal process, and audience response. Whether you’re an aspiring actor, technician, director, or producer, or even just an avid theater-goer, this course is for you.

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