Grade 9 - Texas Science

Core: Texas Biology (Credit: 1.00)

Texas Biology is specifically aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Biology Standards and Benchmarks. The course focuses on mastery of basic biological concepts and models while building scientific inquiry skills and exploring the connections between living things and their environment. The course begins with an introduction to the nature of science and biology, including the major themes of structure and function, matter and energy, and the interconnectedness of life. Students then apply those themes to the structure and function of the cell, cellular metabolism, and biogeochemical cycles. Building on this foundation, students explore the connections and interactions between living things by studying genetics, ecosystems and natural selection, and evolution. The course ends with an applied look at human biology. Scientific inquiry skills are embedded in the direct instruction, wherein students learn to ask scientific questions, form and test hypotheses, and use logic and evidence to draw conclusions about the concepts. Lab activities reinforce critical thinking, writing, and communication skills and help students develop a deeper understanding of the nature of science. The content is specifically aligned with the TEKS Biology Standards and Benchmarks. Course Materials Semesters 1 and 2: Required Biology: Exploring Life Lab Manual, Student ed. Neil Campbell, Brad Williamson, and Robin Heyden (Prentice Hall, 2004). ISBN-10: 0130642665 / ISBN-13: 9780130642660 Semesters 1 and 2: Optional This course includes the option of either hands-on or dry lab activities. Dry labs require no additional lab materials. Hands-on labs require specified materials. For a list of hands-on lab materials, go to

Core: Texas Biology Semester 1 (Credit: 0.50)

This course is only semester 1 of Texas Biology.

Core: Texas Biology Semester 2 (Credit: 0.50)

This course is only semester 2 of Texas Biology.

Core: Texas Environmental Systems (Credit: 0.50)

Environmental Systems explores the biological, physical, and sociological principles related to the environment in which organisms live on Earth, the biosphere. Course topics include natural systems on Earth, biogeochemical cycles, the nature of matter and energy, the flow of matter and energy through living systems, populations, communities, ecosystems, ecological pyramids, renewable and non-renewable natural resources, land use, biodiversity, pollution, conservation, sustainability, and human impacts on the environment. The course provides students with opportunities to learn and practice scientific skills within the context of relevant scientific questions. Scientific inquiry skills are embedded in the direct instruction, wherein students learn to ask scientific questions, deconstruct claims, form and test hypotheses, and use logic and evidence to draw conclusions about the concepts. Case studies of current environmental challenges introduce each content lesson and acquaint students with real-life environmental issues, debates, and solutions. Lab activities reinforce critical thinking, writing, and communication skills and help students develop a deeper understanding of the nature of science. Virtual Lab activities enable students to engage in investigations that require long periods of observation at remote locations and to explore simulations that enable environmental scientists to test predictions. Throughout this course, students are given an opportunity to understand how biology, earth science, and physical science are applied to the study of the environment and how technology and engineering are contributing solutions for studying and creating a sustainable biosphere. The content is specifically aligned to the Texas TEKS Environmental Systems standards.

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