Grade 11 - Texas Mathematics

Core: Texas Algebra II (Credit: 1.00)

The Algebra II curriculum builds on the concepts covered in Algebra I. Through a "Discovery-Confirmation-Practice"-based exploration of intermediate algebra, students are challenged to work toward a mastery of computational skills, to deepen their understanding of key ideas and solution strategies, and to extend their knowledge through a variety of problem-solving applications. Course topics include systems of linear equations and inequalities, functions, relations, and their graphs; quadratic functions; parent functions, domain and range, inverse functions, composition of functions, and function transformations; and advanced polynomial functions. Students also cover topics relating to rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic functions and their transformations; and data analysis. This course supports all students as they develop computational fluency, deepen conceptual understanding, and apply mathematical process standards. Students begin each lesson by discovering new concepts through guided instruction, and then confirm their understanding in an interactive, feedback-rich environment. Modeling activities equip students with tools for analyzing a variety of real-world scenarios and mathematical ideas. Journaling activities allow students to reason abstractly and quantitatively, construct arguments, critique reasoning, and communicate precisely. The content is specifically aligned with the 2012 TEKS Algebra II Standards.

Core: Texas Algebra II Semester 1 (Credit: 0.50)

This course is only semester 1 of Texas Algebra II.

Core: Texas Algebra II Semester 2 (Credit: 0.50)

This course is only semester 2 of Texas Algebra II.

Core: Texas Mathematical Models with Applications (Credit: 1.00)

Mathematical Models with Applications focuses on the application of algebraic, geometric, statistics and probability concepts to real world experiences in personal finance, science, art and social science. Through a "Discovery-Confirmation-Practice"-based exploration of these concepts, students are challenged to strengthen their computational skills, to deepen their understanding of key ideas and solution strategies, and to extend their knowledge through a variety of problem-solving applications. Course topics include applying mathematics to personal finance topics such as income and budgeting, tax and interest, credit, loans, insurance, and retirement. Students will use exponential functions to model growth and decay, quadratic functions to model motion, and use trigonometry to model harmonic motion. Students will apply geometric concepts such as similarity and transformations, statistics and experimental design, and probability and counting principles to a variety of situations. This course supports all students as they develop computational fluency, deepen conceptual understanding, and apply mathematical process standards. Throughout the course, students are equipped with tools for analyzing a variety of real-world scenarios and mathematical ideas and are asked to solve and communicate mathematics effectively. The content is specifically aligned with the 2012 TEKS Mathematical Models with Applications Standards.

Core: Texas Mathematical Models with Applications Semester 1 (Credit: 0.50)

This course is only semester 1 of Texas Mathematical Models with Applications.

Core: Texas Mathematical Models with Applications Semester 2 (Credit: 0.50)

This course is only semester 2 of Texas Mathematical Models with Applications.

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