Grade 11 - Fine Arts

Art History & Appreciation (Credit: 0.50)

This course explores the main concepts of art, expression, and creativity as it helps students answer questions such as what is art; what is creativity; and how and why people respond to art. It covers essential design principles such as emphasis, balance, and unity. Units include: Art, History, and Culture; Western and World Art Appreciation; and Art and the Modern World.

Music Appreciation (Credit: 0.50)

In a time of an increasing emphasis on STEM courses and skills, it remains essential to provide your students with opportunities to explore the arts from both an informational and career-oriented perspective. In Music Appreciation, students will explore the history and evolution of music, learn the elements of music and musical notations, and the contributions of popular music artists and composers. A variety of lessons, activities, and discussions will help to develop an awareness and appreciation of music that will develop not only critical thinking skills, but life enriching skills as well.

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