Grade 6 - Florida Health & P.E.

Florida: M/J Health 1 (Credit: 1.00)

An introductory course into health studies, this course covers the basics of nine areas of health concerns. These areas include basics of body systems and aging, where health information comes from, and what factors influence health. After learning the basics the student will learn to build their own health goals, learn how others can affect their health and the basics in health safety. The course wraps up with basics in emergency care, being health aware and being a health advocate. Health 1 as a curriculum introduces students to the concepts of what good health is, why good health is important, and what students should do in order to achieve good health.

Florida: M/J Health 2 (Credit: 1.00)

This course offers a more in-depth look at personal health and how to maintain good health. Course material covers diseases and prevention, setting personal health goals and precautions, and understanding personal nutrition. This course also addresses family, friends and other relationships and how interpersonal connections affect health. In addition to relationships, environmental factors, injuries, and substance abuse are all included to help better understand how to build a complete personal health plan. The course closes with where health information comes from, and how we better understand it.

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