Grade 9 - New York Social Studies

Global History and Geography I (Credit: 1.00)

World History and Geography I explores the people, events, and ideas that have shaped history from the beginnings of human society to the present day. This course consists of the following content area strands: World History, Geography, and Humanities. So that students can clearly see the relationship between cause and effect in historical events, students should have the opportunity to review those fundamental ideas and events from ancient and classical civilizations. As you read the lessons in this course, keep these enduring understandings in mind: World History is the story of the interaction between people, the environment, and ideas that form cultures, societies, and civilizations. World History is the story of human choices that link the past to the present and influence the future. Individuals, cultures, societies, and the world change through times of conflict and cooperation. Historical patterns are identified across times, places, ideas, institutions, cultures, people, and events. From the past to the present, events and trends on the local, national, and global sphere are interrelated. People have different views of history depending on their perspective.

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