Grade 15 - Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

Careers in Logistics Planning & Management Services (Credit: 0.50)

This course discusses careers in Logistics Planning and Management Services, and provides students with the history of logistics and recent advances in the field. The history of logistics creates a foundation of knowledge to build our understanding of the social and economic benefits of modern logistics. Modern societies and economic development depend on the ability to transport products from their point of origin to store shelves and then into the hands of consumers. Current trends in logistics favor low-cost methods, safety, technology, sustainability, and regulations to keep the goods flowing from their source to the consumers.

Introduction to Careers in Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics (Credit: 0.50)

Transportation and Distribution Logistics is a course intended to introduce students to the complicated world of commercial transportation. This area of commerce is becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated, with work and career openings available at all levels of education. Most people, however, see only fragments of the big picture. Transportation is among the most crucial and defining elements of modern commerce. The ability to move people and goods from place to place requires vast investments of technology, and of manpower. Without that investment almost all aspects of modern life would grind to a halt.

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